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Najdite svoje vintage uhane pri Moira Antique, od preprostih starinskih diamantnih do okrašenih z dragulji.


Metal Type


Kupite starinske uhane iz Moire in dodajte svojemu slogu pridih brezčasne elegance. Naša zbirka ponuja različne sloge, vključno s sijočimi diamantnimi uhani in elegantnimi safirnimi uhanji.

Ali gre za darilo ali za osebno uporabo, vsak par vintage uhanov iz Moire je skrbno izbran dragulj, ki izstopa po svoji lepoti in kakovosti. Danes odkrijte edinstveno lepoto starinskih uhanov iz Moira!


Elegantni, privlačni in visoke kakovosti. To so lastnosti, ki jih iščete v paru ženskih uhanov.

V naši trgovini z vintage nakitom se ponosimo s skrbno izbrano ponudbo edinstvenih in brezčasnih uhanov. Za razliko od drugih trgovin z nakitom, ne ustvarjamo lastnih uhanov.

Namesto tega se posvetimo natančnemu iskanju in izbiri najboljših starinskih dizajnov z vsega sveta ter jih certificiramo, da zagotovimo njihovo kakovost in pristnost.

Vintage spinel earrings set in 14K yellow gold


Naša zbirka vključuje različne uhane z različnimi dragimi kamni, vsak s svojim edinstvenim šarmom in značajem. Prepričani smo, da bodo naši uhani vedno v trendu, ohranjali svojo brezčasno lepoto in klasično eleganco.

Odkrijte brezčasno lepoto naših starinskih uhanov in naredite modno izjavo, ki bo trajala skozi čas.


What is a vintage earring?

Nowadays, the resurgence of vintage jewelry is on the rise, but do you really know the difference between a vintage jewel and an antique jewel? Are all vintage earrings considered antique earrings?

The answer is... No.

In our jewelry store, we specialize in vintage pieces, carefully selected for their authenticity and timeless beauty. A vintage item is defined as one that is at least 20 years old, whose aesthetic value and design are representative of its era of origin. These second-hand pieces boast a design that encapsulates the aesthetic style of their period. You can find vintage handbags, vintage dresses... and, of course, vintage earrings.

On the other hand, an antique earring is a jewel with a minimum of 100 years of age. These pieces date back to another era and are crafted with different techniques, often with significant historical value. Antique earrings may be adorned with enamels, fine pearls, or gold alloys different from those used today. It's a whole different world.

As you can see, the difference is significant, and in our vintage-specialized jewelry store, we offer a careful selection of vintage jewelry that captures the unique essence of its era.

Do you offer a box for earrings?

All our jewelry pieces contain a jewelry box as well as detailed information about our services. You can also send a personal message along with your gift.

Can I exchange my earrings?

We offer a 15 days returns policy. Excluded from this are customised and engraved products and special promotions. Please make sure that the earrings have no visible signs of usage when returning them. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions in the customer help or in the Exchanges & Returns section of our website.