Trinity prstan z fancy živo oranžnimi diamanti
Brezplačno vračilo v 15 dneh
Brezplačna dostava v Evropsko unijo
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- Opis
- Materiali
- Dostava
Ta edinstveni trinity prstan je izdelan iz 18K belega zlata in vsebuje izjemen set 3 fancy živo oranžnih diamantov skupne teže 0,84 ct.
Očarljiva oranžna barva diamantov prinaša topel in živahen pridih temu potrjenemu delu, ki se razlikuje od tradicionalnih diamantnih prstanov. Briljantni izrez okroglih diamantov še poudari njihove žive odtenke, kar ustvarja osupljiv kontrast s hladnim belim zlatom.
Z velikostjo EU 56 ta prstan združuje popolno ravnovesje med eleganco in individualnostjo, zaradi česar je izjemna izbira za tiste, ki želijo narediti drzen vtis.
Kovina: 18K belo zlato
Dragulji: 3 naravni okrogli briljantno izrezani diamanti
Skupna teža diamantov: 0,84 ct
Velikost: EU 56
Potrdjeno delo
Brezplačna dostava
Evropske velikosti "FR" (glejte tabelo velikosti). Privzeto bo izbrano "Ne". Če pozabljeno, lahko dodate komentar v naslednjem koraku.
Trinity prstan z fancy živo oranžnimi diamanti

Naše embalaže so več kot le preprost zabojnik. Poudarijo edinstveno lepoto vsakega prstana.
Vsak kos postane simbol zgodovine za darila ali posebne trenutke. Naši prstani izražajo čustva brez besed.
- Tudi ti vas bodo navdušili
- Nedavno gledani
Let customers speak for us
from 41 reviewsThe ring is absolutely gorgeous, and my wife loves it. It was exactly as described and shown and fit well. I spoke with Judith, who is extremely knowledgeable. She responded to my questions and messages promptly. On another anniversary, I hope to purchase again.
Judith est un tres bon professionel et patient. Grand choix de bijoux.Je recommande cette a mes amis.
Ausgezeichneter Service und sehr hilfreich, als mein Paket beim Versandunternehmen verloren schien. Genau so glücklich wie ich, als mein schöner goldener Anhänger schließlich geliefert wurde.
Obrigado pelo serviço rápido e útil. Descrições genuínas e honestas das joias no site. Ótimo serviço de redimensionamento.
Ik ben zo verliefd op de oorbellen die ik bij Moira heb gekocht! De oorbellen zijn prachtig en adembenemend. 😍 Ik ben zo blij dat ik daar heb geshopt - ik ben een 100% tevreden klant! 🤩 Ik beveel deze winkel sterk aan voor alle dames daar! 💃
I read the reviews before purchasing a pair of stud earrings from Moira, and I decided to move forward with the purchase. I am so glad I did! First, the earrings and stones are gorgeous. The customer service was incredible. I received the earrings just in time for a special event.
Excellent service and very good price. A place of excellence in terms of product quality. They provide you with all kinds of information and they make sure to answer all inquiries.
Il mio ragazzo mi ha sorpreso e mi ha chiesto di sposarlo con l'anello Art Deco più bello di Moira Antique Jewellery. Dovevamo cambiarne le dimensioni, ma lo abbiamo fatto presso una gioielleria nelle vicinanze, anche se ci è stato offerto di farlo lì. Non potrei amare di più questo anello anche se ci provassi!
Sono davvero soddisfatto del braccialetto Art Deco che ho acquistato; è arrivato molto prontamente ed era bellissimamente avvolto e confezionato. Non avrei potuto chiedere di più da un'esperienza di shopping.
The decision was so difficult because there are so many beautiful pieces of jewelry here with different gems. I was very afraid of getting the size wrong. I saw that my wife was following the store on Instagram and I wanted to surprise her. I am very grateful to Judith for supporting me during the purchasing process.
I bought a diamond necklace for my birthday and I loved it!
Beautiful sapphire earrings, delivered just in time for Christmas. The gift is beautifully wrapped, providing a unique experience. Thank you, and I will definitely take another look at what you have in your store!
Comunicação super agradável, entrega rápida e as joias simplesmente parecem incríveis, exatamente como mostrado no site! Além disso, o guia de tamanhos para anéis foi realmente ótimo, então realmente ajudou a encontrar o tamanho perfeito do anel para mim.
Las joyas son una maravilla y la cajita es preciosa. gracias!